Amerika Selatan

Arowana Amerika Selatan
Arowana Amerika Selatan terbahagi kepada beberapa strain atau keturunan iaitu :
1. Arowana Perak ( Silver Arowana)
2. Arowana Hitam ( Black Arowana)
3. Arowana Salji ( Snow Arowana)
4. Arapaima Gigas

Arowana Hitam
Come from the South-America and it is quite similar to the Silver Arowana having the same tapered tail . When the Black Arowana is young , its scales and fins are black with whitish stripes . But as it matures , the Black Arowana will slowly lose its color and turn to greyish color .

A Black Arowana can grow up to 40" inches if possible . It is not a protected species .

Sci. Name : Osteoglossum Ferrerai
Size : Maximum up to 39 inches
Temperature Range : 74 - 84 F
Distribution : South America (Negro River)
Price : $20 , 00 ( In Singapore Dollar )

Black Arowana will grow up to a large size and a tank about 100 gallons should be used . Black Arowana are said to grow much slower than the Silver Arowana and it is important to make sure that the yolk sac is no longer attached to it .

Because they are weak and more fragile since they are too young . Like all Arowana , it will eat live fish , crickets, frogs and small prawns . Black Arowana are rumored to be harder to raise than Silver Arowana .